Best Phobia Treatment & Therapy at Mood Clinic

More than 90% of Patients see improvements in their Worst symptoms in 3 Sessions

Best Phobia Treatment & Therapy | New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts

Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder that causes an excessive, irrational, and debilitating fear of something, such as an object, situation, or activity. 

This fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid it, even though it poses little or no real threat.  

Everyone is different in how they experience a phobia. Some cases are mild, while others are severe enough to disrupt normal daily living. But recovery from phobia is possible with the right treatment. 

At Mood Clinic we treat phobias holistically by tailoring treatment for each patient depending on the underlying cause for them. 

Treatment and therapy at Mood Clinic is provided online and in person when needed.  

Online treatment and therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy. Our clients appreciate the convenience and flexibility of not having to spend the time or money to travel to appointments, and they can focus on treatment in the comfort and safety of their own environment, which can be useful for people dealing with certain types of phobias. 

Having a phobia can be crippling. But you don’t have to live in that fear forever. Take the next step and schedule a free 20-minute consultation with Mood Clinic and start healing now.  

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Understanding Phobias

There is a phobia for just about anything you can think of. There is even a phobia or phobias! 

Phobia is common in the US and can affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. 

There are numerous causes of phobia, but they typically begin after a traumatic or stressful event. Others have no obvious cause. Phobia typically develops in childhood and can be attributed to genetics or learned behavior. 

There are 3 main categories of phobias: social phobia, agoraphobia, and specific phobia. 

Specific Phobia – Also referred to as “simple phobia” is an extreme fear of an object or situation that isn’t actually harmful. For instance, fear of flying, bridges, dogs, balloons, and dentists are all examples of specific phobias. There are 5 categories of specific phobias:

  • Animal related, such as fear of mice, dogs, cats, spiders, snakes
  • Environmental, such as fear of water, heights, dark spaces, thunderstorms
  • Situational, such as fear of flying, driving over a bridge, riding in an elevator, going into tunnels
  • Medical related, such as fear of dentists, blood, getting vaccinations
  • Other, such as fear of loud noises, getting an illness, choking, and costumed characters. 

Specific phobias usually begin in childhood and are “inherited” or learned behaviors, as they tend to run in families. 

Social Phobia – Commonly referred to as “social anxiety”, social phobia is characterized as an intense or debilitating fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, or judged by others in social situations. Social phobia usually shows up in the following situations:

  • Public speaking or performance
  • Meeting new people
  • Eating in public
  • Using public restrooms

People with social phobia may freeze up or go blank and have difficulty interacting. They may experience physical symptoms of anxiety, like trembling, shaking, and sweating. The fear may cause them to avoid social situations altogether.

Agoraphobia – A type of anxiety disorder, agoraphobia is closely related to panic disorder. It is the fear of being in a place or situation where it would be difficult or embarrassing to leave or escape. A person with agoraphobia may avoid leaving their home, going to a movie or a concert, or traveling on a bus or a train.

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Symptoms of Phobia

A phobia is much more than a simple fear. It is an anxiety disorder that causes crippling fear. While there is a myriad of phobias out there, symptoms for all are similar. A person with a phobia will experience the following symptoms:

  • Physical symptoms of anxiety or panic, such as trembling, shaking, racing heart, sweating, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest
  • Intense, persistent feelings of fear or anxiety that are triggered by a particular object, activity, or situation, along with a knowing that their fear is not rational, yet they are incapable of controlling the fear or their reaction to it. 
  • Intense, immediate, and irrational feelings of panic when confronted with the source of their fear
  • Purposeful avoidance of the object, activity, or situation so they are not triggered

You don’t have to live crippled in fear forever. If you are experiencing panic attacks, seek help from a compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner who can get to the root cause of your issue. 

An accurate and precise diagnosis is essential for effective treatment of phobia. 

Contact Mood Clinic for your free 20-minute consultation now. 

Diagnosis of Phobia at Mood Clinic

At Mood Clinic, we understand that phobias are a symptom of a bigger, deep rooted problem. Rather than just treating your symptoms, we tailor a plan that treats the underlying cause of your phobia. 

When diagnosing a phobia at Mood Clinic, we will conduct a full physical and psychiatric evaluation. We will discuss the following in detail with you to make an accurate diagnosis: 

  • Physical health. We may include lab tests to look for medical conditions that may be causing your symptoms
  • Symptoms, including severity and frequency
  • Family history of anxiety, phobia, or other mental health conditions
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Current or past treatments and medications
  • Current or past substance use 
  • Recent or past trauma
  • Stressors (grief, loss, financial, etc.)

Having a clear understanding of your diagnosis will help you to identify your mental health needs and communicate them for long-term well-being.  

Treatment Options for Phobia at Mood Clinic

Our goal for phobia treatment at Mood Clinic is to help you gain the confidence and skills to manage your condition by discovering tools for lasting recovery from debilitating fear. 

We combine various evidence-based therapeutic techniques with medication management and lifestyle changes in our comprehensive treatment approach to phobia treatment. Treatments that have shown to be the most effective for phobias, including the following:

Medication – Medication alleviates the debilitating physical and psychological effects a panic attack can have on the body. Medication gives patients the space to live normal, productive daily lives and focus on treatment without worrying about their fear surfacing. 

When we use medication, we will work closely to achieve maximum symptom reduction with the lowest effective medication dose. Our goal is to minimize side effects and tailor treatment to your needs. Personalized treatment means you’ll receive specialized care designed for you and delivered with compassion.  

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – We use CBT to help you examine negative or fearful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and change them into new, more constructive responses and reactions. 

Exposure Therapy – We use exposure therapy to purposefully confront or expose an individual to triggers that induce the panic and fear that comes with phobia. We will use things like memories, feelings, and situations in an attempt to learn that they are not dangerous. 

Mindfulness – A cognitive practice that brings awareness to one’s emotions, bodily sensations, and surroundings. Through mindfulness training, we help clients become aware of any negative thoughts or reactions to minimize overwhelm. Mindfulness incorporates physical and mental wellness practices, like yoga, meditation, and breathwork to promote relaxation, strengthen rational thought, and reinforce a sense of control over negative thoughts.

Emotional Regulation/Grounding Techniques – SImilar to mindfulness techniques, emotional regulation and grounding skills promote awareness of the present moment. This technique helps survivors of trauma who experience panic attacks or flashbacks manage their traumatic memories or intense emotions and become calmer. Examples include breathwork, progressive muscle relaxation, or focus on the five senses. 

Lifestyle changes and holistic approaches – Lifestyle practices, like sleep, healthy eating, physical activity, and stress management are effective tools that anyone can use to manage phobias. 

Long-term recovery from phobia is possible with a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan like what we provide at Mood Clinic. 

You don’t have to live with phobia forever. Contact Mood Clinic for your free 20-minute consultation and start healing now. 

FAQs about Phobia

People can develop phobias related to just about anything, which means there’s almost too many phobias to count. A few common phobias for which people seek treatment include:

  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
  • Acrophobia ( fear of heights)
  • Aerophobia (fear of flying)
  • Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces)
  • Dentophobia (fear of dentists)
  • Aquaphobia (Fear of Water).
  • Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)
  • Cynophobia (fear of dogs)
  • Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces)

With the support of a qualified and compassionate therapist, phobias can be treated safely and effectively. Common treatments used for phobia include a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. 

A phobia is more than just being scared of something. It’s an intense, deep rooted fear that may go all the way back to childhood, or has been inherited in some way. The best treatment for phobia will identify the underlying cause of the fear so it can be healed.

Mood Clinic treats mental health conditions with a modern approach. Our system is patient-centered, comprehensive, and tailored to each patient. It’s not enough to just treat symptoms anymore. We help our patients heal by peeling back the layers and exposing the root of their condition so real, lifelong healing can occur.

By combining behavioral therapy, medication, and lifestyle therapy, we get to the underlying cause of our clients’ phobias and empower them for effective recovery that lasts.  

Whether you see us in-person or online, you will receive empathetic and compassionate care in a safe environment. 

If obsessions and compulsions are ruling your life, book a free 20-minute consultation to start healing now. 

How To Get Started

Call Now

The first step is to book your free 20-minute consultation. 

Initial Assessment

After your consultation, we will send you an initial assessment form with a few questions to help us understand your concerns about ADHD and your mental health history. 

Start Healing

Meet your clinician and start healing now.

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your healing

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