If you are looking for help with anxiety, you aren’t alone. Anxiety is a condition which takes many forms, and there are countless individuals out there – from children to adults, teachers to business owners – who struggle with anxiety problems daily. The causes of anxiety disorders, and the sheer number of them, are numerous, ranging from separation anxiety to social anxiety disorder. However, while anxiety can be terrifying—particularly when it results in panic attacks, wherein a loss of control is experienced—this condition can be helped, if the problem is recognized, examined, and treated effectively.
Anxiety disorders will not simply go away through exposure to the factors that make a person anxious. For example, a person with severe social anxiety will not suddenly lose this condition by being forced to constantly socialize. If an underlying anxiety disorder persists, and goes untreated, it can begin to affect a person’s sleep (causing insomnia), cause a persistent feeling of unhappiness (depression), and lead to muscle tension, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and gastrointestinal problems.
You have already started your journey to overcoming anxiety by seeking professional help. By understanding the cause of your anxiousness, and responding to with a holistic approach that takes into account your unique situation, biological factors, and/or history of trauma, you can find a light at the end of your tunnel. Take the next step, schedule a consultation today